fohneu logo

Federation of Occupational Health Nurses
within the European Union


National Updates Deadline

Your National Update reports are due to be sent to the FOHNEU Secretary by the 3rd April.

Don't miss the "Early Bird" price for Tarragona 2012

Only 290 euros until the end of March.

New deadline for abstracts

5th FOHNEU Congress, Tarragona.

Elections of Executive Officers

The Vice-President and Secretary positions are due for renewal this spring.

Press Release available

The Press Release from the 34th Board Meeting is available.

Record attendance at the 34th FOHNEU Board Meeting

The Noordwijk  meeting was a huge success with record numbers attending.

Contact with Switzerland

OHNEU has re-established contact with the Swiss Association ASIST.

FOHNEU has a new member

 The Czech Rebublic has recently joined FOHNEU.

The 34th FOHNEU Board Meeting

The next meeting will be held in Noordwijk, the Netherlands 3-5 November 2011.

Our sponsors

The Screen System

The Screen System

First Aid for everyone. Everywhere.


Our partners

Healthy Workplaces
European Agency for Safety and Health at work
European Lung Fundation

Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union (FOHNEU)

You can contact Executive Officers of FOHNEU at the e-mail addresses here.