fohneu logo

Federation of Occupational Health Nurses
within the European Union


Ireland Flag


Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation - Occupational Health Nurse Section

Margaret Morrissey (Treasurer)

Margaret Morrissey

BSc Occupational Health , MSc Ergonomics & Human Factors,
Eli Lilly and Company
Dunderrow, Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland P17 NY7187
+353877574690 (mobile)


Styliani Tziaferi PhD

Una Feeney

Ei Lilly
Co Cork

Tel: +353 871128774

Occupational Health Nurses Association of Ireland

Mary Doran

Ann Colohan

Po BOX 5616

INMO logo


A Brief History 1974 - 2003

The OHN Section inaugural meeting was held on January 14, 1974

Section Aims in 1974

The main aims were:

  • To outline a standard salary scale for Occupational Health Nurses. (Negotiations were initiated with individual firms)
  • To set up a recognised educational course for OHNs which would be facilitated by An Bord Altranais.

During the 70’s the committee contacted hospitals regarding the establishment of Occupational Health Units and produced a booklet entitled: ‘An OHN Service’

The Founding Officers (1974)

  • Chairperson: Mary O’Calley
  • Vice Chairperson: Claire Egan
  • Secretary: Renee Deering

Current criteria for membership of the OHN Section (2003):

A recognised qualification in Occupational Health & Safety either at certificate, higher diploma, degree level or higher and working in an Occupational Health Nursing or Occupational Health Nurse Educator role. 

OHN Section Mission Statement

The promotion, support and development of Occupational Health Nurses in their multi-faceted role as Health & Safety Professionals, throughout the working environment

FOHNEU Mission Statement

To Consolidate and represent the voice of Occupational Health Nursing within the EU in order to promote the Health, Safety & Well-being of the European Workforce

Global Objectives of the Section Membership

  • Produce and work from a Yearly Action Plan which looks at our needs from the following perspectives: Political, Educational / Professional Development, Communication & Visionary.
  • Remain affiliated members of the Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the EU. (FOHNEU) and attend meetings. Have an input to the content of the FOHNEU Congress.
  • Promote the professional development of the Occupational Health Nurse as a competent health & safety practitioner.
  • Continue to hold an Annual Conference
  • Regular lobbying of all relevant bodies to progress topics relevant to Occupational Health Nursing
  • Communicate with our members via the OHN Section Webpage and by regular submission of articles to the Section Page of the World of Irish Nursing. Trial holding our evening meetings by teleconferencing or video conferencing.

Our sponsors

The Screen System

The Screen System

First Aid for everyone. Everywhere.


Our partners

Healthy Workplaces
European Agency for Safety and Health at work
European Lung Fundation

Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union (FOHNEU)

You can contact Executive Officers of FOHNEU at the e-mail addresses here.