
Dr. Julie Staun OBE, PhD, RN, OHN
Work Environment Consultant
Orebjerg Alle 5b
Orebjerg Gods
3630 Jægerspris
Tel.: +45 47521402
Mobile: +45 41610795

Charlotte Bisgaard RN, OHN
The History
Julie Staun
In 1951 the most estimated women´s magazine of the times brought an article based on an interview with Agnes Henriksen. The article was illustrated with photographs from her office and the factory. In the interview Ms. Henriksen discussed her daily work and how the job had been created.
The concept of a factory nurse, as they were called, came from England, USA and the other Scandinavian countries. Unfortunately Denmark was not very progressive and only 6 other companies had employed a factory nurse.
In the beginning she spent most of her time treating small injuries. Later she developed her work function to include what today is called the psycho-social area. Counselling soon became a central element covering not only the working life but also social issues outside the factory.
Another important area was the hygiene, both the personal and industrial hygiene. As TB was a severe health threat at the time, high standards were necessary, especially at a factory producing chocolate and confectionery.
Agnes Henriksen also visited the workers with long sickness, providing her with knowledge of family and social situations. The Company provided a car at her disposition to carry out the visits.
Ready for home visits
Accidents and injuries statistics were monitored and results used as criteria for preventive strategies. In the interview focus is on the importance of professional nursing care with special emphasis on psychosocial health, two key areas of OH nursing still prevalent today.