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Federation of Occupational Health Nurses
within the European Union


Harmonising Occupational Health Nursing in the European Union (HOHNEU)



Master of Medical Science MMedSci -Occupational Health Nursing

Contact Sheffield University for more information

This European funded three year project was launched in October 2004 and aims to harmonise and strengthen education and training opportunities for occupational health nurses across the European Community.
The project is co-ordinated by the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, in collaboration with six other partners;

  • The Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union
  • The University College of Nursing Studies, Maribor, Slovenia
  • The Irish Nurses Organisation, Dublin, Ireland
  • The Danish Association of Occupational Health Nurses
  • The Department of Ergonomics and Efforts Physiology, Jagiellonian
  • University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
  • Swiss Occidental, Leonardo, Switzerland.

As the largest single group of health professionals involved in delivering health care at the workplace, occupational health nurses have a key role in the prevention of work related disease and the promotion and maintenance good health. The project identified that there is currently a lack of standardised preparation for practice in this specialist field of nursing practice across the European Union. Whilst some countries have robust training and educational programmes in place, others had little or none.

To broaden the teaching and learning opportunities available to nurses across Europe, the project is developing flexible, distance learning materials that will lead to the higher degree awards of Post Graduate Diploma and Master Degree in Occupational Health Nursing, which will help to harmonise and strengthen the training available to nurses, who in turn, will be better placed to lead enhanced occupational health and public health initiatives for the working population as a whole.

Our sponsors

The Screen System

The Screen System

First Aid for everyone. Everywhere.


Our partners

Healthy Workplaces
European Agency for Safety and Health at work
European Lung Fundation

Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union (FOHNEU)

You can contact Executive Officers of FOHNEU at the e-mail addresses here.