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Federation of Occupational Health Nurses
within the European Union

2018–19 Campaign: Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances

2018–19 Campaign: Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances

FOHNEU has successfully renewed its partnership with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) for the Healthy Workplaces Manages Dangerous Substances 2018-2019.

Campaign 2

Some key dates of the campaign are:

  • EU partnership meeting: March 2018
  • Campaign launch and Launch of Good practice Awards: April 2018
  • European Week for Safety and Health at Work: October 2018
  • Healthy Workplaces Film Award: November 2018
  • Good Practice Exchange event: 2nd quarter 2019
  • European Week for Safety and Health at Work: October 2019
  • Healthy Workplaces Film Award: November 2019
  • Healthy Workplaces Summit and Good Practice Awards Ceremony: November 2019

FOHNEU promotes the EU-OSHA Campaign at the 7th FOHNEU International Congress held in April in Budapest, Hungary. During this event Ms Katalin Balogh, Head of National Focalpoint presented the Campaign.


Promotion of the EU OSHA Campaign, at the 3rd Conference of Primary Health Care Professionals, held in Pécs, Hungary, in May 2019.


Promotion of the EU OSHA Campaign, at the 48th FOHNEU Board Meeting, held in Dublin, Ireland, in 14th - 16th November 2018.

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Promotion of the EU OSHA Campaign for the Occupational Health Nurses from Sweden in Bilbao, Spain, 7th September 2018. On the photo the national board from Sweden and their hosts, Tim Tregenza to the left and Lothar Leick to the right.

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FOHNEU was represented at the Healthy Workplaces MANAGE DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES Campaign Partnership Meeting. Valérie van Gulck, visits the EU-OSHA Campaign Partnership Meeting in Brussels, Belgium 20 March 2018.

news fohneu eu osha 2018

Our sponsors

The Screen System

The Screen System

First Aid for everyone. Everywhere.


Our partners

Healthy Workplaces
European Agency for Safety and Health at work
European Lung Fundation

Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union (FOHNEU)

You can contact Executive Officers of FOHNEU at the e-mail addresses here.